After teaching Munchkin about proper use and care of a pocket knife, Grandpa gave Munchkin his first pocket knife. Munchkin was excited and was supervised in attempting to whittle a stick. He tried to make a wand like Harry Potter's.
Later, Grandpa asked Munchkin if he'd like to help open bags of desiccant fertilizer to put in a barrel. After opening a few bags, Munchkin came to one that had "tough plastic" on the outside and struggled to open it. While attempting to open the bag he was looking at Grandpa and telling him it was difficult to open. Suddenly, the bag gave way and the knife cut through it, and Munchkin's finger!
They went straight to the bathroom where Munchkin had a neurocardiogenic syncope episode [read about it here or here]. One of our nephews came and told Hubby and I in the house. After putting pressure on the cut and cleaning up the blood we saw that it was deep (don't worry, it wasn't to the bone) and that it would need stitches.
Luckily, our brother-in-law is a physician's assistant and he was home and had his medical kit with him. [He's a dermatology specialist.] We all got in the van and drove from Cochise to St. David so Munchkin's finger could be repaired. The cut was through all the layers of skin, into the cutaneous [fat] layer and part of the fascia [connective tissue to the muscle].
Under the expert care of our brother-in-law [he's a dermatology physician's assistant] Munchkin received five stitches in his finger.
After bandaging and protecting the finger with a padded splint all is well.
Thank you!
January 2024
1 year ago
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