05 August 2011 | By: Unknown


 image credit: Fibromyalgia Network

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday.  I had a pain flare up and had to get a shot.  The medicine they give me makes me sleepy and knocks out the pain.  I just woke up from sleeping for 15 hours.  I am still tired, but the trash truck woke me up and I needed to take out the recycling.  With the time being around 7am here, I am going to stay away so I don't totally mess up my schedule.

What is a pain flare up?  It's when my body starts to ache and grows in intensity.  A simple thing like walking or going up the stairs requires movement.  Under normal circumstances they don't bother you.  With fibromyalgia the nerve impulses for pain get agitated and can leave a person with all over aches.  Mine mainly reside around large joints; think of all the muscles and tendons required to move them.  If a pain flare up gets really bad then the entire muscle groups throb in agony.  The worst flare up I've had so far left me in tears with every fiber of my being screaming out in pain.

I was diagnosed in January of this year [2011].  If you want to learn more about fibromyalgia, click here and here.  These links describe the basics and some associated symptoms.


Deb said...

So sorry...I hope you feel better...or should I say as good as you can. I know how you feel about the pain...mine is localized to my head but it can be so intense that I feel that it would be better to have my head chopped off...which as you know would never work. I also love that you have a new house that "fits" the family better...thats what we are doing too.