07 November 2010 | By: Unknown


I re-enlisted Friday afternoon, 05 November 2010.  I chose to re-enlist at the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center because my family and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are very near and dear to my heart.  I feel a similitude to the Battalion members in my own life.

I rolled my two year extension into this re-enlistment.  I will be active duty through 2015.  This is to cover my sea rotation and provide more time to prepare our family for whatever lays ahead.  In order to re-enlist, I had to submit paperwork requesting permission to do so [PTS or Perform To Serve].  The military has changed its guidelines to require a PTS for every re-enlistment.  In five years, they may say no.  If I did not roll in my extension, the possibility of a no in two years was also there.  By re-enlisting now, my family is secure for five more years.  We will be in San Diego at least three of those years.

In theory, I could have waited a few more months, but my PTS may have expired, and I may not have been allowed to re-enlist prior to my extension after transferring from the school house.  By re-enlisting now my family could be there, I could plan it, and we'd know for sure our "five year plan".  I didn't want this hanging in the air prior to deployment.

Elder Griffith and his wife are Military Relations Missionaries and serve primarily with recruits at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot here in San Diego.  The Griffiths have also begun a pilot program for the Church to help teach resiliency to military families, our ward was the first.  Our ward includes MCRD, Naval Base Point Loma and its tenant commands, and two military housing areas.

Another Military Relations Missionary couple, the Barretts, assisted with my re-enlistment.  I had not met them prior to Friday, but was glad to include them.  My visiting teachers and one of our home teachers came to show their support as well.  The elders assigned to our ward also came.  A handful of others were unable to make it as they had to work late.  It was a small group, but it turned out well.

Elder Barrett discharging me.

Elder Griffith swearing me in.

 After the ceremony, prior to enjoying the refreshments.

As I stated earlier, my re-enlistment was at the Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center.  We reserved one of their movie viewing rooms and set up in there.  We kept refreshments simple with pink lemonade, a fruit tray, veggie tray, and a cake (its a tradition to have a re-enlistment cake, whatever kind you want, I had a raspberry dinner cake).  Hubby and the kids picked out flowers that we put in a vase for the table.  I borrowed the ceremonial flags, the National Ensign and the Navy flags, from my base.  I wore my dress white uniform.  Technically, the region switched to blues on the 1st, however, I was allowed to choose what I wore and I prefer the dress whites.

After the re-enlistment was complete, and refreshments cleaned up, we went on a tour of the visitor's center with one of my Navy friends.  Later that evening we went out for dinner to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  The kids enjoyed the meal, even though we didn't eat until 8pm!  [We didn't leave until 615 and parking downtown was crazy.  I didn't realize where the restaurant was when I picked it, I just wanted a place that everyone would like the food, and one that was an actual sit down restaurant.]

Hubby's parents drove from Cochise, AZ to participate in my re-enlistment.  I feel so blessed and grateful that they came.  Saturday morning we did a session at the temple together.  I love my extended family.


emily said...

Congratulations! That's really cool. I had no idea there was a Mormon battalion visitor center. I also didn't know how much the church was involved with the military. What a special occasion!