14 November 2010 | By: Unknown

Tying Shoes

 Our happy moment Thursday was when Little Miss tied her shoes for the first time. She asked, practically demanded, that I tie her shoes and I told her she should do it. She said "Ok" and asked me to show her. I showed her two ways to try.  She proceeded to try it a couple times and viola! She then tied her second shoe. She tied and untied each one at least a dozen times that evening. It was like a light bulb went off in her head.

What's interesting to me is I learned in a similar way, except I was 3 1/2. The other night was not her first exposure to the methodology of tying shoes. It was the first time she said "Ok" and gave it an honest try. A few months ago she made a couple half-hearted attempts. Since then she sometimes made the first knot, nothing more.

Our eldest didn't tie his shoes very well for the first couple years. He first tied his shoes in kindergarten, but only a couple times. He didn't tie them regularly for another two years. At 8, he finally ties them well.