01 November 2010 | By: Unknown

New Blog Home

Welcome to our new blog home.

After some crazy things happened to my fellow bloggers, more information awareness training through my work, and a dose of good old paranoia, we made the decision to remove names from our blog.  Part of the process was changing the blog website as well.  Thank you for following the switch.

I am hoping this change will motivate more posts, particularly ones related to the guts and glory of who we are.  Some things we do and experience are mundane, I recognize that it's still important to record them.  I'm a horrible traditional journalist.  I have started numerous hard copy journals, and most only have a handful of entries.  With the computer and the internet I can participate in a message board with strangers that have similar experiences; I can read and post about blogs of far away friends; I can distract myself in world events or various on-going research;  I can type, save, and delete.

All too often, I get side tracked with the wonder that is the internet.  I have quite a few interests, though they mainly revolve around certain topics.  If I am a friend of yours on facebook, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  For some reason, I haven't passed much of that onto blogging.  I think its because I want purposeful thought behind a post regarding a hot button issue, as opposed to simply sharing a link or article.  I will be adding my thoughts to the blog as I step out of my comfort zone.  I feel they are also important to chronicle.

Topics I hope to touch on include why I joined the military; why I'm re-enlisting; my views on childbirth, breastfeeding, and co-sleeping; my view on infant genital integrity; parenting high needs children, including attachment parenting; dealing with public schools; why I always wanted to home school; re-building trust in marriage; how we attempt to handle family separation; depression; my faith and beliefs; my childhood; my struggle with patience; and more.


Deb said...

Hey, I just updated my link to you and even changed from your name to sailor mom and family. I see you got the hubby's picture up.

Nic and Abbey said...

Love the new blog look. Cute name, too. I think it is a wise choice to have a private-ish blog. I've found it is a pain to change, but I'm feeling good about it.

Also, that pic of Little Miss is seriously adorable!