12 December 2009 | By: Unknown

Post 100 - and an update

We had another doctor appointment for Pumpkin this week. We now have the referral to the allergy clinic; should hear from them the beginning of next week. Life in Pumpkin's world is filled with fussiness and incredibly short naps. In between it he's a growing happy baby. We've resigned ourselves to not having a clean house (or more than one clean area at a time) for the next several months. Pumpkin has a tolerance or hate for bottles. He was doing better when we bought new nipples, now he hates them again. He did take a bottle at the doctors office and one Friday night. Most days he drinks enough to not starve, and that can take half the morning, and just eats when I'm home from work. He started waking even more at night, but finally went back to sleeping more -- about every three hours now.

Munchkin is doing pretty awesome. He's gotten used to second grade and is thriving. Yes, he still gets hung up on new things, but he's coming out of it sooner. He's excited for Christmas, but doesn't understand the concept about presents; i.e. he told me that he picked out the smallest present at the USO Santa Shop and the smallest and cheapest (It was 25 cents Mom!) at his school's Christmas shoppe. Oh well.

Little Miss is Little Miss. We've learned a little more about her behavior and we need to research more to understand it and implement changes in parenting. I'm keeping her update short as Hubby doesn't want much said yet. I've been feeling guilty as some of it probably goes back to the medication I was given when I had PTL during my pregnancy. This sucks.

Hubby & I are doing ok. There is so much on our plate that we don't have much time to be together, other than the few hours we're asleep. We finished our twelve sessions that Military One Source provided for us. Unfortunately, no insurance covers marriage counseling. I'm struggling with handling everything right now. Hubby is struggling with Pumpkin.

We did get to go to my work's holiday party yesterday. I wore the dress from when my friend got married (she was my maid of honor and I was her matron of honor). The only reason we were able to go was the free child care. It was nice to get out of the house and dress up. We didn't win any door prizes but the food was good. We only danced to half of one song as Pumpkin was extra needy and we had to check on him several times.

We bought our Christmas tree last Saturday and decorated it on Sunday. On Monday I put up the other decorations and stockings. We had to buy new ones this year as the style we had was no longer available to get a matching one for Pumpkin. We're feeding the missionaries on Christmas Eve and Jared is supposed to drive down from UT for a couple of days. We're driving to AZ for New Year's. Hopefully the kids will be able to have a few play dates over Christmas break.


Shanna said...

So sorry things are going rough. Hang in there with the baby. I know it can get tiring. Both Leo and Simon were colicy. And Simon still wakes up during the night. And for Kiya, I understand how it can be frustrating when you need support the most and you can't say a thing about it. It was the same way with Simon. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just like I can't blame myself for Simons heart... (I didn't take prenatal vitamins). And as for you and Ben, hang in there. And don't hesitate to seek council from the Bishop. Pray together, read scriptures together and keep the line of communication open at all times, and don't forget to ask the Lord for help too.

Shanna said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope its a good one. Stay safe.