16 November 2009 | By: Unknown

We've Been Sick...

 Munchkin came down with the flu on 24 Oct and Little Miss on 31 Oct. Hubby actually had the flu prior to the 24th, but we weren't really aware of it because he had had on again off again symptoms since I had it beginning 16 Sept and Pumpkin had minor symptoms starting 19 Sept (don't worry he had a one month appt that Monday the 21st and he was fine, his temp never broke 100).

My flu was mild, though I was feeling some lingering symptoms for almost three weeks; UGH.
Pumpkin's was very mild.
Hubby's was not the normal presentation. His after effects landed him in the ER and two follow up appointments with severe bronchitis.
Munchkin's fever spiked to 107 on the 25th, so we spent 13 hours in the ER. He also had two follow up appointments and his cold symptoms lingered for over a week post fever.
Little Miss just had the flu and was quite miserable, but only required one doctor appointment. Her cold symptoms also hung around for a bit.

We do not have a confirmation on what flu strain hit us. When Hubby went to the ER he was negative on the influenza A rapid test, but that was probably because of the stage of illness he was at. Munchkin was not tested, but the head ER physician said his symptoms were consistent with H1N1.Munchkin 's school was and is at outbreak level with sick kids and several confirmed cases (not just speculated like Munchkin's), including in his own class.

I'm thankful no one had to be admitted to the hospital. I'm also thankful that Pumpkin and I have not gotten sick again. Whew.