04 November 2009 | By: Unknown

Nutritionist Appointment

02 November - Nutritionist Appointment

We discussed what milk and soy products are listed as on food labels; my diet and making sure I get plenty of calcium and vitamin D3; my food allergies and Pumpkin's symptoms. I was also given suggestions about when to introduce the high allergy foods when Pumpkin is older.

At this point we are pretty sure he has an issue with soy. i.e. I made some dairy free cookies about two weeks ago, but they have a ton of soy in them. After eating a couple Pumpkin ends up with mucousy diapers (like someone blew their nose and mixed in some breast milk poop in the diaper). This has happened three times since I made them.

I found out that about 50% of babies with these issues can't even have their mother's breast milk because their allergies are so severe. If Pumpkin's symptoms return with my modified diet he may have additional allergies (such as egg or wheat) or he may not be handling my milk.

If my milk dries up because work or Pumpkin has worsening, unresolvable issues he'll have to go on specialty formula. The hospital here uses Elecare. I've also read about Neocate. Either way, they're expensive and a last resort. Thankfully, if it comes to that Tricare will pay for it because of the food allergies.