22 May 2009 | By: Unknown

Another Ultrasound

I had my mid-term ultrasound on 31 March. During the ultrasound they found that the placenta was only 3cm from the cervical os; it's supposed to be at least 5 cm. As a result I had to get another ultrasound, requested for eight weeks later. Today I had the second ultrasound.

Baby is measuring good, still a bit a head, but on track with the last ultrasound. I won't have the final information until my OB appointment on Tuesday, but the technician's notes showed that the placenta was 9 cm from the cervical os (woo hoo). The technician printed extra pictures, but they were not saved in the study, so the disc I was able to get doesn't show them. Since I also do not have a scanner, I will share the best/most interesting ones from the disc.

This is the baby's nose, lips and part of the cheek; the rest of the face is hidden by the placenta.

This is the baby's heart, it's upside down in the picture because of how the baby is laying.

Here are the baby's stats: