02 August 2011 | By: Unknown

My Day

I'm trying to post once a day.  As I'm not finished with curtains for the house yet, and I still need to hang pictures, I'll wait to do a post on that another day.  Today, I thought I'd share my day with you.

My day so far:
first alarm goes off, snooze
second alarm goes off, turned off alarm
first alarm goes off again, turn off, get up
go to bathroom
get dressed
look in bedroom, backpack, and uniforms for room key for work
make breakfast
make lunch, pack it
eat breakfast [I usually brush my teeth after breakfast; I missed that today]
load saddle bags with my lunch bag and back pack, put on motorcycle gear
drive to work
stow gear and bring bags inside
have quarters at work

receive first assignment for day, sweep and pick up trash in front of barracks building
go to bathroom
next assignment, clean empty barracks room

wait for third assignment, cross-stitch for a few minutes
pick up spider plant starters from friend in building
start eating lunch
get interrupted to verify paperwork
finish eating lunch
check email
check Navy Times for chief results
send email congratulating old LPO for advancing
go to bathroom
start third assignment, escorting contractors
while escorting contractors in the building - eat an apple, read more of my book
get relieved to go to physical therapy
gather belongings, stow in saddle bags - being extra careful with my baby spider plants
put on motorcycle gear
drive to physical therapy
go to bathroom
change into soft pants for PT
receive treatment
do exercises
get a short call from Hubby
receive heat and EStim
change back into uniform
call Hubby back for quick call
put on gear
drive home - slow traffic and one nasty driver [I got cussed out]
stow gear
take in belongings
put dirt in containers with plants
water my baby pepper plants (from another friend)
empty my lunch bag, rinse out dishes
call and leave voice mail on Hubby's phone
make a small meal
eat meal while checking - email, facebook, message board, and blog
write this post

What my plan is for the evening:
change out of uniform
sew Little Miss's curtains
attach curtain rods to wall
prepare uniforms and shower bag for work and PT [physical training] tomorrow
brush teeth
set alarms
go to bed

What do you do in a typical day?