19 August 2011 | By: Unknown

Eye Color

Have you ever wondered about eye color?  What color your children's may be before they are born?  Why members in your family may have a particular color?  I have.  A lot.  Eye color is one of the first things I notice in a person.

My parents, siblings, and I all have blue eyes.  Slight variation on shade.

Hubby has hazel brown.  His brothers and sisters have brown, hazel, or [army type] green.  His mother has the same green and his father classic brown.  His maternal grandparents have blue [one has kinda blue-green].  His paternal grandmother also has blue.  I believe his paternal grandfather had brown.

Our children have hazel brown, blue, and [army] green.  Mood, age, lighting, and clothing all effect the color shade.

Then you get to the patterns of the iris.  My eldest child has the same star pattern that I do.  I'm not entirely sure who my other two take after, though I'd reckon our youngest has eyes more like his father with a darker green ring on the outside of the iris.

I've found two fairly decent eye color calculators.  Athro Limited and The Tech.  Neither accounts for hazel, though you can change the green-blue and brown-blue alleles/genes.

What eye color[s] do you and your family have?