20 August 2011 | By: Unknown


How do you divide chores in your family?  When do you start having your children help out?  What is your least favorite chore?  Do you give a reward for completing chores?

We've tried a chore chart in the past.  It only seems to work for a month or so.  I've made a list of all the chores for each room, so if there's a doubt of it being done, simply look at the list.  Our children are expected to help around the house and take care of their rooms.  For their personalities and all the changes we've had lately, we simply remind them verbally what needs to be done.

When our children are toddlers we start having them help clean up after themselves.  I don't remember having a specific age or milestone when each child started to do more.  I guess we just go with their ability and inclination and try and nudge it along.  We have the viewpoint that everyone lives in the house and we all use things (dishes, clothes, etc) so we should all help maintain it in some way.

My least favorite chore is dishes.  Sometimes I get on a good streak and will wash them a few days in a row, or rinse and load the dishwasher, but I can't seem to get past that.  Then they pile up for a day or two and I get discouraged.  My goal is to not let them sit for more than one night without being cleaned.  Eventually, I'd like to always have them done before bed.

For now, we have an unregimented system wherein our children will receive a small immediate reward/consequence for completing [or not] their daily chores.  This is usually something they had asked for, but must be earned, like a piece of gum or a few minutes playing a video game.  We like to do bigger things on the weekends, especially if we've had a good week of cooperation and finishing homework & chores.  We may go to a park, or somewhere we have an annual membership [this year is a local conservatory and the science center]; they may earn a dvd or board game that has been on the collective wish list.