30 May 2011 | By: Unknown

Sharing Personal Stuff - Is It A Big Deal?

 This image isn't quite what I was looking for, but it was the closest I could find.
image credit: google search

Last week I pulled yet another topic from my journal file and edited it and elaborated to put it on my blog.  Then, Hubby read it and shared some concerns.  He didn't want me to disclose too much personal stuff.  [Even though we don't have names on here.]  He thought I should make a second blog just to have my deep thoughts [perhaps as a therapy tool].  I told him that maybe six people even read my blog and no one is forcing them to read a post they don't like.  He asked why it was important to put that information out there in the first place.

Here's why--

I want to help people.  I want to cut down on taboo subjects and secrecy about some things [such as reasons behind this post].  How can anyone facing a trial know it's ok to reach out for help if certain things are always off limits to discuss?

Do my experiences replace yours?  No.  Could my experience help someone else get through theirs?  Maybe.  Could it help them know what to do if they find themselves in a similar situation?  I hope so.

I know I can't bubble wrap my kids or friends to prevent them from experiencing any bad situations.  I believe knowledge is power.  We are on Earth to learn and experience life, including trials, and to gain knowledge.  Hiding from unpleasantness does not make it go away.

Any thoughts?


Erlene said...

I'm not sure what personal information you are talking about. Some would probably be ok and some may be too personal to share. If it is your personal "stuff" and not Hubby's, that would also make a difference. I was talking to a friend just a few minutes ago who told me about someone who has faced a great deal of adversity and is counting her blessing to be alive. That helped me to stop my whinning and count my blessing. I really like your last comment. "Knowledge is power" and we are here to gain experiences. This is so true. The challenge is to grow from our trails and not let them stiffle us.

Deb said...

When I had my miscarried last year I thought I over shared. I mean I did not give every detail by any means but I just felt like it consumed me. That being said I really think it helped...not only me but others...for those who have not had one if they ever do they know I'm willing to talk about it. I would say letting it out helps all...as long as you feel comfortable doing so. Hope I helped!!

Marissa said...

I once heard someone say something like "That which is most personal is most universal." Meaning that when we share our personal experiences, we can reach out to many people and help others who may be going through the same thing. Share what you're comfortable with sharing though :)

Shanna said...

If it doesn't bother you then it doesn't bother me.But then again, take counsel from your hubby. He is head of your house. Hear him out and be mindful of what he has to say. If he says do what you want then you make the decision.