09 May 2011 | By: Unknown

Drama Trauma

I am becoming more self aware.  I am at a cross roads.  Rather than push away the drama/trauma, I must come to terms with it, learn, adapt, and move on.  This experience will not consume me forever.  I will [eventually] rise above and conquer my demons.
 photo credit: http://www.utvet.com/


emily said...

Your blog apparently hasn't been updating on my side bar, so I've missed a lot of posts. I hope you are doing ok! I will keep you in my prayers and pray for peace for you and your family for whatever you may be experiencing.

And I think you look cute in all those glasses, but the more delicate ones are my favorite. :)

Deb said...

I so feel your pain in this post. Somedays the only thing that gets me through is prayer!!