13 May 2011 | By: Unknown

When Your Child Dawdles

Originally written - 27 January 2011

 image credit: parentingpress.com

We were told to not expect a certain expectation because our child was X age or because the average kid could do it already.  We had to learn to accept what level our child was at.  It was not an easy pill to swallow.

My daughter does a lot of things like dawdling.  We realized after the nagging fits and advice given above that she was seeking more attention.  She needed more, so she forced it.  For a time we had to be in the room, reminding her to get dressed - shirt, pants, socks, etc (think Jimminy Cricket).  After a while, we could pop in and remind her to get dressed and check on her progress.  Most days we still have to remind her, but over time she has really improved.  Adding breakfast to the after you're dressed list helped  as well.

I know every child is unique.  What motivates them is different.  This is what helped us.  We recently completed chore chart check lists, and the children are beginning to use them.  Not every tool you can add to your toolbox is needed, but may be worth a shot to help make daily living easier.  I hope you find what's needed to help your mornings run smoother.