20 May 2011 | By: Unknown

Cute Kids?

Originally written: 15 January 2011
Opening Presents at Christmas [2010]

Yes, I think my kids are cute.  Honestly, I was a little worried about my youngest because he started looking like my siblings more.  My parents and siblings are NOT pretty people.  In the back of my head I worried that I'd have ugly children or they'd turn ugly when they were older.  I have a low self-image and know how badly I was treated growing up, I really didn't want the unattractive genes passed on.  My boys are probably cursed with lots of body hair [Hubby is on the hairy side, my father to a lesser degree], and I'm hoping my daughter isn't.  So far my kids have inherited Hubby's soft teeth, they seem to have the bad bacteria that causes lots of cavities, changing toothpastes and upping the oral hygiene has helped but not eliminated this.  I get dirty looks because my daughter has four caps and she's clueless why adults are mean about it.