29 December 2009 | By: Unknown

Friendly Holiday Visit

John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jared

Jared and John came to visit us over Christmas. They arrived in the wee hours on the 23rd and left mid morning on the 26th. As you can see Munchkin and Little Miss enjoyed their visit as well. Pumpkin also like having friendly faces to look at and more arms to hold him.

We visited Cabrillo National Monument on Wednesday afternoon, then visited Old Town and drove past the Navy ships at the main base on Thursday. It was great to visit with old friends.

We tried to figure out the last time we had seen each other, for Hubby and the kids it was when I was in boot camp (May 2007) and for me it was sometime in early 2004. Can you believe it? My how much things have changed.

The lighthouse.
Painting of Point Loma in the small museum at the monument.
My attempt of a panorama showing Coronado and some of San Diego harbor.
The light of the lighthouse (this was in the lighthouse years ago, now they have a different one).
The bottom of the stairwell going up to the light (also the bedrooms of the light keeper's family).