24 October 2009 | By: Unknown

Peds GI Appointment

 22 October - Pediatric Gastroenterologist Appointment

Pumpkin has reflux and milk protein intolerance. The pediatric gastroenterologist didn't want to say allergy yet since I've already cut ALL dairy from my diet and she couldn't personally confirm all of his symptoms. However, since there are a few lingering issues, we have to see if they improve as my older frozen milk is used up; I still had bits of dairy then (i.e. nonfat dry milk in processed foods).

I was suggested to begin cutting soy from my diet as well, since 40% of babies allergic to milk protein also have soy protein allergy. I was referred to a nutritionist to help with meal planning and keeping a balanced diet. She did say most kids do outgrow this by two or three years, some even by a year. It has a lot to do with how the gut matures.

I was encouraged to breastfeed as long as possible, at least a year, as babies with these issues have a difficult time with formulas and a lot of medical supervision is needed for the switch. I explained that my older children were breastfeed past a year and I didn't plan or want to use formula. Besides who wants to give up nature's perfect food for an expensive specialty formula (that costs $26-$34 at a minimum for a single 16oz can)?


Nic and Abbey said...

I need to put you in touch with my friend. Her son sounds a lot like Caleb, and he's 2 now. She could probably really help you get rolling with what to eat.

What's your email address?