08 July 2009 | By: Unknown

Munchkin's Birthday Party

We celebrated Munchkin's birthday this year with a small party. We invited all of his classmates from school and his primary class from church. We went with a water/get wet theme. Hubby built a water balloon launcher, we filled approximately 400 water balloons, and bought inexpensive water pistols and brought water filled coolers to use as a filling station. We held it outside at one of the neighborhood park areas. We had fruit and vegetable trays, a bowl of goldfish crackers, and bluish pink lemonade (kinda purple). Munchkin requested a blueberry Sonic cake, so we figured blue cake, drinks, and table cloths were in order.

After the party we went swimming.


AAnderson said...

My Ben is very upset with me for not driving them to San Diego so they could be at Logan's party and play with the water balloon launcher! :) Looks like he had a blast.