14 May 2009 | By: Unknown

ER for Little Miss

 We just spent the entire morning in the ER with Little Miss. We don't really know much more than when we got there.

A little background:
On Sunday night Little Miss was up at least every hour crying/screaming/whimpering.

On Monday morning she has a low fever, but Hubby couldn't find the thermometer to actually know what her temp was. As she was complaining of her body hurting (pointing to her abdomen) and apparently having a bit of a fever he gave her Tylenol. She didn't eat much, drank fluids fine, and slept a lot.

On Tuesday she still complained a couple times of her body hurting, but didn't have a fever... so no Tylenol. She ate a little better, was more of herself. (She has a normal BM in the evening.) Drank fluids fine.

On Wednesday she wasn't feeling good, low fever again (99.6) and slept most of the day. She was lethargic and barely ate. Drinks fluids fine.

This morning she has a fever (101 under arm), holding her tummy, moaning/crying etc. She couldn't hardly walk as her abdomen was hurting so much, and she was holding her lower right side. She ate two bites of food and said her tummy was upset (like throwing up). I called the medical scheduling line and they blew me off, said if I really wanted they can squeeze her in right before closing today... I hung up on the person and told Hubby we're going to the ER.

The ER get us back there and seen very quickly. She has a temp of 103.6 now and they give her Tylenol. She won't stop holding her tummy and is crying alot. They call in a consult from the Pediatric Surgeon. She gets an IV, they test her urine and blood and send her up to get an ultrasound of her abdomen.

They had to get the radiologist to come in and do the u/s himself, as Little Miss wouldn't hold cooperate well (she's scared and in pain, duh). After some searching he's fairly confident that it's not appendicitis. We get sent back to the ER. During the ultrasound the Tylenol is taking effect and Little Miss begins to calm down.

The Pediatric Surgeon talks to us again, says her urine and blood was normal, and examines her abdomen (tried to earlier, but she was crying, and you can't really do anything when the muscles are all tightened up). Says it feels soft, and with nothing standing out on the u/s (they didn't actually see the appendix from what I understand). He then tells us they can keep her overnight for observation, but since we're fairly close they can send her home telling us to keep a strict eye on her.

Her temp was 102.2 for discharge, so they gave her Motrin before having us leave. If she improves, we just follow up with her primary care. If she gets worse, we bring her back to the ER. If she stays the same, ???

I just want her to feel better and eat normal.


Jennifer said...

Hi, I know you don't know me, I'm a friend of emily H. The same thing happened to my son about 2 months ago. It kept going for a week. We never did find out what was really happening, although our ped. said that there was a stomach virus going around that was causing pain. Our son would flip-flop one day seemed fine, the next clutching his stomach every 1/2 hour screaming. He did make it through though.
I did have a friend say that she was reading that there was a virus that was causing ulcers in children, I don't know if your ped. can check for that. I hope she feels better soon and your mind is at rest.