19 January 2009 | By: Unknown

25 Random Things About Me

1. I haven't been to a foreign country yet.

2. I took 3 1/2 years of German in High School. Our class was hoping to take a trip to Germany, but we didn't have enough funding, and my senior year things got cut even more. Someday...

3. I moved out of my parents house the summer before my junior year. Because of everything that happened I didn't move back. My soccer season was messed up and I didn't letter that year. I was sick a lot. My grades started to drop.

4. I moved out of my "foster parents" house a month after I turned 18. I dropped all my "extra" classes for the last semester of HS and took my only required class as a night class and worked full time. Basically this killed my chances for a scholarship or a good college.

5. I met my husband a month after graduating HS. His best friend introduced us.

6. I got married at 19 in a very small wedding. I wore my prom dress from my senior year because it was white, even though I had gone to prom with my ex-boyfriend. I had no way to get a dress.

7. I got my temple recommend on my 21st birthday (the Stake President's meeting and signature).

8. I wore my mother-in-law's dress to get sealed in the temple.

9. I know this is a huge can of worms.... I was very against our son getting circumcised, I lost that fight. Yes, there is a story to this, though it probably won't end up on here.

10. I've dropped out of college twice. The first time was when I was first dating my husband and my financial aid was all messed up, I ended up dropping out after three weeks. The second time was when we were threatened with loosing our house, in early 2006 and we moved to AZ.

11. I like lemonade. I like fruit snacks, gummie candies, etc.

12. I like sewing, though I'm not that good... I need more practice and maybe a serger some day.

13. I like basic scrap booking, I especially like photography; I also like cross-stitch.

14. I really like Star Wars. Some day I want to go to Comic Con.

15. I have a security clearance for my job.

16. My husband really picked out our children's first names. They were not my top choices, but he liked them. I was more vocal about the middle names.

17. I wish the rest of our debt was paid off (we're getting there! our next challenge is student loans).

18. I want to take my family to Disney Land. Seriously, I want to save some from our tax return and go for a couple of days.

19. I want to travel with my family, actually go on some kind of vacation/camping trip. I would love to see some of the National Parks.

20. I really like living near mountains. The ocean is nice, but I like mountains more.

21. I have some contact with my uncle's family, and little with my maternal grandmother, and that's about it. I don't talk with my family anymore. Its complicated and depressing. Some day I may get a call, but I'm not sure I'll even get that (you know, funeral notice or something).

22. I like cats. Some dogs, mostly other peoples. Not so much for birds or other furry creatures. I have two fish, the betta I bought and the plecostomus that was given to me. They're just kinda there.

23. I've struggled with cussing/vulgar language since I was in elementary school. I'm not joking, I heard it from my dad and some at the playground. My environment really effects me, if I'm around it I do it more. As you can imagine my work has not helped with this. I really hope I can curb it and not pass on this behavior to my children.

24. I've enjoyed the fact that I was able to breastfeed my children as long as I did. I wish I hadn't given into peer pressure and weaned Munchkin at 15 months. With his reflux and milk sensitivity it really wasn't the best for him. Hindsight is 20/20 they say, but I feel some of his difficulties could have been avoided if I kept nursing him.Little Miss' weaning was much more mutual and child lead. We made it 19 1/2 months, it may have been a little longer, but I was enlisting in the Navy and wanted her to be more adjusted when I left for boot camp the following spring.

25. I liked cloth diapering Little Miss. When she was on mostly solids (1 year old) she became sensitive to her urine, if it was on her skin at all, she was sore. I tried so many things, changing her all the time helped the most. However, I started working full time and it was too much for Hubby to deal with a super sensitive skinned baby, so she was put in store brand diapers with creams/ointments.