These past few weeks have brought a whole new level of experiences for Hubby & I.
For my part I have been diagnosed with tendinitis in my right shoulder (though I have similar symptoms in both), I start physical therapy next week, and have developed some intense symptoms to the seasonal allergies of the region. Unfortunately, the allergens are brought in with the Santa Ana winds and can't be narrowed down. The good thing is that the winds have pretty much stopped, but my symptoms have worsened. I'm on two different medications to help alleviate my symptoms, which now include dizziness. I can't function with how bad the dizziness is.
Hubby has had intense headaches, pain in his neck and back (for months), numbness in his arms (since June), and excruciating pain in his abdomen with nausea. He was diagnosed with moderate carpel tunnel in both wrists (the right is worse) and will begin Occupational Therapy next week and meet with an Orthopedist. He was also referred to the Gastroenterologist, he has an abdominal ultrasound next week and was prescribed Prevacid. He was also given a new medication to help with the headaches. Poor guy.
On another note...
Hubby was "promoted" in late August. With this new position he works days and has a guaranteed 20 hours a week. I put promoted in quotations because his raise has yet to go through and with the day shifts we are paying out tons more for child care. Oh, yeah, California got involved in his child support issues and take their own chunk and forward it onto Indiana (he has NO arrears!!!) So after child support from TWO states, taxes, and child care we have even less money. We are barely making our bills and have very bare shelves in our cupboards. So much for a promotion and self-reliance.
On the bright side...
Munchkin loves his first grade teacher and is doing quite well. We got released from our primary callings in September. We made a new friend from my base, he was sent to find me as I apparently have the unofficial title of "base Mormon." We helped him get connected with the Singles Ward for the area. JediVman has been a great friend to us.
By the way...
It has officially been more than eight weeks since I sent in my appeal to keep my security clearance for my job. Not a word has come about my status. Little Miss has regressed any signs she was showing for potty training. I'm sure she'll be ready by kindergarten (almost two years from now). Sigh.
January 2024
1 year ago
Oh man. At least you can see some brightness in all of that! Sorry about the tough times. No fun. Hang in there!
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