First, I love ya babe, but it was I that found the super yummy bread recipe and the King Arthur flour. I also remember when we were first married and I introduced you to the brand of Land O Lakes. Ah, memories. I really do like and encourage all of your cooking/grilling/baking creations. I'm glad you've embraced the diversity of cultures and like experimenting and trying new things. Yum.
We just found our son a new martial arts program. It is actually a community outreach program, and only once a week, but it is something. When Hubby and the kids still lived in Tucson, our son was enrolled with the local Ernie Reye's West Coast Martial Arts affiliate. They had an after-school program, so he ended up getting four lessons a week. Unfortunately with the move to San Diego, he was unable to continue. There are no West Coast Martial Arts locations in the San Diego area. Many of the other local dojangs have a contract requirement with quite a bit of the cost expected up front. This community program has no contract, but only offers one class a week. One of the instructors trained under Ernie Reye for years, so that was a nice bonus.
How do you successfully potty train a 3 1/2 year old? We have tried and experimented with so many different approaches, I can't even remember them all. Our daughter has two different potty chairs and now a seat that sits directly on the toilet. We have tried pull-ups, plastic underwear, panties, bare. We have tried rewards of charts, stickers, treats. We read while she sits. We always offer praise with her attempts. When we try something new, it is for at least a week or two. She has gone a few times back in AZ, and a few times here. She has gone for the sitter more than once. She can and will hold her urine for hours, six is her record. She seems more responsive to a woman encouraging her, but I work during the day and she doesn't want to even try for Hubby. I don't know why. The odd thing about this is I was at home with our son and when I started working full time he potty trained in a week for his dad. Go figure.
Why is there always an adjustment period when things change even a little? Hubby started working days, part-time, this week instead of evenings. He's home every evening, like I am, and its just, well, different. We haven't had this much time together, consistently, for a few years. Wow, did I just type that? It's crazy to think we've been together for over eight years. Sometimes it seems like a short time, that things are still new. Other times its hard to think of life before or what would have been so vastly different if we hadn't met. Am I strange for thinking that?
Bonus. We went to the USO dinner last night, they have a free diner for military families every Tuesday, and won two tickets to the California Ballet Company with the San Diego Symphony's performance of the Nutcracker for December. I think I have less fingers on one hand then the amount of times I've won something in my life. We are really excited to go. The bummer about the dinner, it made Hubby a bit sick last night and today. Poor guy.
I love my in-laws. We all have quirks, but truly, these are awesome people. Growing up I always hoped I'd have a loving and trusting family. When Hubby and I married, I was hesitant and weary, but as time as gone by, he has helped to teach me unconditional love, I feel so blessed for being a part of his life and all the added family I married into. It was touching and special when we were sealed in Jan 2003. I've gotten to know so much more about my family since moving to AZ. With technology we can stay in contact even better than when we lived so far away in IN; though I honestly loved all of the snail mail I got while in basic training and my intro electronics course in IL. I hope I still get the snail mail, and various emails when I finally go to a ship.
Thank you to anyone who reads our posts and looks at our pictures. Feel free write a comment or send us an email. I hope everything is going well with you. We're doing well. Its just another day.
January 2024
1 year ago
Wow, there was a lot there. Congrats on winning tickets! I love the ballet. Good luck with the martial arts. And the potty training--sorry no help there. Both my girls were pretty good about it--once they made their minds up. Until that point, there was no going.
So are you sharing the good bread recipe?
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