07 October 2008 | By: Unknown

C is for . . .

Rules: Leave a message and I will give you a letter, then you have to come up with ten things you like with that letter. Cassandra gave me the letter 'C.'

10 things I (we) like starting with letter C:

Cookies - Macadamia Nut or Peanut Butter to be specific. Homemade cookies are the best.

Crayons - A child's first tool for artistic expression. I enjoy coloring as an adult with my children.
Cabbage Patch Kids - I loved playing with my two as a kid. In first grade I wrote my first letter ever to my grandma and asked for clothes for my Cabbage Patch Kid. She made a new wardrobe for both me and my sister's dolls.

Candles - Soft candle-light is nice, aromatherapy is good too (we prefer the actual essential oils). When we were first married we made a few candles of our own, we would melt down the left over
wax from a candle and layer it in a can that we had added a wick to.

Care Bears - I never had my own as a child, but got one for each of our children when they were infants. Hubby bought me one for Christmas one year. I bought one for him while he was still in IN after we moved to AZ. Our youngest now has three of her own Care Bears.

Cooking - Again, we are back to food and preparing it. I'd have to say I prefer baking to cooking, but there are dishes I enjoy making. It feels good to look at meal and know that it was made with your own two hand (and some help from small appliances/utensils/good recipe).

Cars - The movie is good, but I mean real cars. I've always liked the 1969 or 1964.5 Ford Mustang. A customized CJ- style Jeep is high on Hubby's list. Classic cars, concept cars, reliable cars... We now have a Toyota Sienna and we love it.

Church - I love our church. As a convert I've learned so very much and am so grateful for my husband, his best friend, his mother and the two wonderful missionaries that taught me. I love going to the temple. I've meet some truly wonderful people through the church, people that nothing else in my life would have caused our introduction. I've learned so much about myself, having a family, and more through the teachings of the church and the examples of the members.

Couches - We bought our first couch in March of this year. With being in the Navy we can finally do and get things for ourselves we simply couldn't afford or hope for in the past.

Computers - As a hobby and extra income Hubby builds custom computers and helps the extended family with technical issues that arise. I like what I can do with a computer: file storage, music player, picture editing/printing, internet access/updates, staying connected with loved ones, typing letters, maintaining our budget, keeping track of birthdays and important events, etc.


Emily said...

I had 2 cabbage patch kids too! No carebears for me either.

cassanthemum said...

I like your lists. It is a fun way to learn something new about somebody.