You know you're from Fort Wayne when...
(please feel free to leave a comment to add things you remember!)
1. You remember the Glenbrook Ice Rink.
2. You remember when "Belmont's" didn't only refer to a liquor store.
3. You remember when I-69 was just two lanes.
4. You remember downtown before Headwaters Park & Courthouse Green.
5. You can properly pronounce the name "Goeglein" (GEG-line).
6. You remember the Coliseum before the expansion.
7. You remember the Coliseum before the Expo Center.
8. You remember when Science Central opened.
9. You know what "Gladieux" is and remember it catching fire.
10. You remember the Apple Orchard at Glenbrook.
11. You remember when the Roller Dome was THE place to be on Friday and
Saturday nights.
12. You've been to Coney Island more times than you can count and you. Have
no problems walking in through the back door.
13. You've eaten at the Elegant Farmer.
14. You remember when Memorial Stadium opened.
15. You remember when B. Dalton, Walden Books, Little Professor, and
Reader's World were the biggest bookstores in
16. You remember when the Georgetown theater was full-price.
17. You filled a prescription at Hook's Pharmacy.
18. You remember South Side HS and North Side HS before the renovations.
19. You remember Southtown Mall.
20. You've been to Safety Village.
21. You've bowled at almost every bowling alley in town.
22. You remember going to Lassus Stations without hearing from Jon Lassus
every time.
23. You remember the old food court at Glenbrook.
24. You know what ten thousand burning tires looks like.
25. You remember the time before Jefferson Point when Glenbrook was the only
place to shop.
26. You know that it's "State Boulevard" not "State Street".
27. You remember "Holiday 6" and saw movies there.
28. You remember when Southtown had more than Footlocker, Sears, and the MCL
29. You remember when the TRF Midway was cool, and you didn't have to worry
about getting shot.
30. You know what TRF stands for.
31. You remember when Lazer X and Ultrazone opened.
32. You've thrown apples on Johnny Appleseed's grave.
33. You remember going to mcmillan Health Center in elementary school.
34. You remember Maplecrest when it was a two-lane, bumpy road that "teed"
into Rothman.
35. You remember the times before Wal-Mart and Meijer...when you actually
had to go to a grocery store.
36. You were ever on Happy's Place.
37. You remember listening to B106.3.
38. You remember the TRF Raft Race.
39. You ate at the Moonraker and shopped at Tepe's next door.
40. You went to Diamond Jim's and still miss it.
41. You've eaten at Power's Hamburgers and remember it being open 24 hours a
42. You've managed to cram yourself into Cindy's Diner and not feel
43. You remember when Hot 107.9 was Foxxy.
44. You remember the St. Mary's Church fire.
45. You remember when Dupont Road was out in the middle of nowhere.
46. You remember the days before 4-69.
47. You remember the flea market next to Hillcrest Bowl.
48. You know the Wizards original mascot was actually a wizard...not some
creepy dragon.
49. You knew about St. Francis College before the football team.
50. You bought something from Service Merchandise and had to wait for it to
come out on the conveyor belt.
51. You remember when the first Meijer opened.
52. You remember watching Steve Shine on WFFT Fox 55.
53. You remember when Mike's Carwash at Glenbrook was full service.
54. You remember when an Express Wash at Mike's cost less than five dollars.
55. You remember the Trolley Restaurant on Wells St. Next to where Edy's is
56. You've marched in the TRF parade for some reason or another.
57. You remember Penguin Point on Spy Run.
58. You're pretty much guaranteed to find a wooded nickel or two somewhere
around your house.
59. You can name all the Halls Restaurants (including those that have
Closed) and know where they are located.
60. You remember when Lincoln was based in Fort Wayne.
61. You remember Baer Field before it was "internationalized".
62. You remember when Keltch Pharmacy was it's own store, not a part of
63. You know what "Froggy's Pad" was.
64. You remember the Seyfert's factory on Hwy 3/Lima Rd. And what it smelled
65. You know that Best Buy was originally located where Borders is now on
Coldwater Road, and that it was The Children's
Palace before Best Buy.
66. You remember when Speice just sold shoes.
67. You know where Kittle's is even though you never shop there.
68. You know that our Pizza Huts are way better than anything outside of
Dick Freeland's franchise.
69. You remember when Vernon Jordan was shot at the Marriott.
70. You remember when the Citilink buses were PTC.
71. You remember when Win Moses was mayor.
72. You know the difference between St. Joe Blvd, St. Joe Rd, St. Joe Center
Rd, St. Joe River Dr, and Upper St. Joe
Center Rd.
73. You can finish the sentence, "If you're not on Goshen road..."
74. You remember never being able to find parking at the downtown Library.
75. You know what St. Francis' campus looked like before the renovations and
76.You remember when the police department was at Southgate
77. You remember Showbiz Pizza before Chuck E. Cheese.
78. You've ever had a birthday party or attended one at the Roller Dome
(north or south).
79. You remember Roller Dome North before they renovated it.
80. You remember Tilt at Glenbrook.
81. You remember when Coventry 13 was the main movie theater.
82. You remember Denny's on Lima Road.
83. You've complained aloud in your car that St. Joe/St. Joe Center is a
Screwed up intersection.
84. You were miffed that northwest Indiana got to keep 219 when the area
codes were split up.
85. You've drank out of the lion shaped water fountain at the Zoo.
86. You've eaten at Atz's ice cream shop.
87. It doesn't bother you in the least that a road can change names 3 or 4
times in the course of a few miles.
88. You know the story behind Harry Baals Drive.
89. You remember the GTE Tower.
90. You've eaten at Willie's.
91. You remember Damon's and the fact that the place was cursed.
92. You remember Roger's, Lynn's, and Cub Foods.
93. Even if you know Scott's was generally overpriced, you're still miffed
Kroger bought them out.
94. You remember Georgetown before the renovation.
95. You remember when there was more than one Big Boy.
96. You remember when the 14/69 Automall was built.
97. You remember when Roger's grocery baggers loaded your bags in your Car
for you.
98. You drove Harrison Street when it was one, continuous street.
99. You remember when Amtrak stopped in Fort Wayne.
100. You miss being told the "Fort Wayne National Bank Time".
101. Bob Rohrman annoys you.
102. You've talked to Croaky the Frog.
103. You remember when Lutheran Hospital was on Fairfield.
104. You remember Hudson's at Glenbrook
105. You've know the rumors about Devil's Hollow at night.
106. You remember the Children's Place in the mall having the little slide
and stuff at the back of the store.
107. You know that the television was invented by Fort Wayne resident Philo
T. Farnsworth.
108. You remember when the ACPL summer reading program actually had good
109. You've gone sledding down the huge hills at Franke Park and Shoaff
110. You remember Furrows behind Southtown.
111. You've ridden on the BMX track.
112. You've had your picture taken while sitting in the joey pouch at The
113. You remember listening to Charlie Butcher on 97.3 WMEE.
114. You know that the Detroit Pistons used to be the Fort Wayne Zollner
115. You remember when Jack and Jills Amusement Park was where KMart East
is now.
116. You used to eat at Murphy's downtown and watch the animated Christmas
scenes in LS Ayres and all the windows downtown.
117. When you could shop, be with friends, and eat downtown.
118. When there were still woods on Vance Ave and Coliseum.
119. When you could go to school without worrying about being shot or
120. When you could swim at the dam at Johnny Appleseed Park and children
could wade in the wading pool.
121. The TRF Bedrace.
122. When REO played at Swinney Park TRF.
123. When TRF used to be held all over town and no gangs ruined it.
124. When McDonalds first opened on State Blvd.
125. You understand why Fort Wayne is not supposed to be hit by a tornado.
(the myth)
126. Zoli's restaurant
127. Cinema Blue and why it closed.
128. The movies that were held at the Rialto (before porn)
129. The real Central High School.
130. When Concordia Gardens was annexed in to the city.
131. You've been to Fun Spot...and for some reason you were never afraid you would be seriously injured on any of their rides.
132. You know exactly where the River Run Trail is and you know never to go alone.
133. You remember when Discovery Zone was THE place to have your birthday party at.
134. You know who Mad Anthony is and what the ice cream sundae tastes like.
135. You get protective when people come from all over the local Midwest to come to Glenbrook every holiday season but you still put up with all the traffic.
136. You remember when Cheddar's burnt down.
137. You've been to Cedar Point, King's Island, Connor's Prairie, and the Indy 500 race track for school field trips.
138. You've come to the realization that there is nothing you can do about the unpredictable weather.
139. You've been to Canal Days.
140. You know exactly how many "skyscrapers" downtown has...and you know you only need 2 fingers to count them.
141. You know where the actual fort is in town.
142. You know where Junk Food Alley is and have had an elephant ear.
143. You remember when TRF changed the name of Junk Food Alley to Food Alley then back.
144. You remember EDGE 96.3 and the various names and different frequencies it broadcast with through the years.
145. You remember when there was an actual Reserve station here (Army National Guard).
146. You remember the Blizzard of 1978.
147. You remember the Flood of 1982.
148. You went on a field trip to the fort.
149. You know the gas pump was invented here.
150. You know all the excuses why people stay in this town but you not-so-secretly express that you can't wait to get out of here!
Even though I was only in Fort Wayne for 5 years I can remember a lot of those things. I like the one where it says you can finish if you're not on Goshen Road... you're in the wrong place. I don't know how many times I watched that commercial. I actually went in there once but I didn't buy a bed.
Wow! I've been here 7 years and don't know most of those. i have heard of a lot though. My favorite is being crammed into Cindy's diner. Love that place. Cool list!
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