So, here we are, I suppose I should tell you about who "we" are and where "this" is. Sailor Mom asked me to write something on our blog, let me start by saying, this is pretty new to me; that said, I am not real sure what to say. So I will start with the basics, this is --- (used to prefer ***, however, I have been convinced that --- sounds better) and we are living in San Diego right now, I would not call this home. I have had many people ask me about home, and unfortunately, that is a difficult one to describe. You see, I turned 26 years old this year and after our most recent move to San Diego, I counted how many times I have moved. Surprise, surprise, I am rounding my 28th move. So for me, home seems to be more like home when it is covered in boxes and and quite disorganized.
I love comedy, but I am not feeling "funny" right now, so maybe later I can post a more exciting blog. Some of the things you can expect to see here from me will be things that I find funny or comedic, my favorite movies and T.V. Shows past and present, funny stories and other stuff like that, and most definitely, my favorite recipes.
You see, if you didn't know, I love to cook, bake, and grill. It is my pastime, this is mostly due to the fact that I love to eat. Regardless, I have become a rather talented and sometimes misunderstood chef. For those people that also love to cook, this will be a great place to see tips and ideas on how to do some of it better. You will be privileged to see some of my best creations. Since we are on the topic, let cover:
Basic Cooking Tips Number One - Cooking is expensive, you get what you pay for. While you can always find good deals on food by shopping around at different markets, some ingredients called for are hard to find or specific brands for a reason (outside from the obvious product placement), if you cheap out and replace or ignore these little facts, that will contribute to your overall taste and texture of the finished product. So if you want to cook well, look for the best deals, but be prepared to spend $10 on high quality imported curry. Join us again for more basic tips.
Movie stuff, I sometimes think I am a bona fide movie critic, so you will from time to time see critics on the movies I have recently seen. Don't have anything for you right now, but you will see in time. You might also find interesting facts and the like about movies and the infamous list of best and worst movies and T.V. shows. Yes, you don't get to see just the best out there, but the worst ones as well.
Some of the things that you will not see on here by me, that would be journal like entries that blog out the boring details of my life. If that is what you are looking for, sorry, not my bag of tea. I will share from time to time the more interesting parts of my life jumbled up with jokes and the like. Also, I would love to play with fonts and colors and all the fun stuff, however, this is time consuming, so I will figure it out as I go. Until then, expect basic font and boring format until then.
Well, I think that is about it, oh, one more thing, I am not an English major, so if you see poor wording or misspellings, get used it, spell check does not catch it all; however, I am also not bothered when I am corrected, so feel free to correct me in my ignorance. How many errors did you count in this blog?
January 2024
1 year ago
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