01 September 2011 | By: Unknown

Getting Ready for School

Munchkin was able to help his teacher set up for the parent meeting that took place this evening.  I'm glad he was able to help out. He has the same teacher this year; she teaches combined 3rd and 4th grade Seminar.

We find out tomorrow who Little Miss's teacher will be for first grade.

School starts next Tuesday.  We have a few last minute items to purchase, but everyone is ready and excited for the school year to start.  I wonder how Pumpkin will adapt to being the only child home again.

With my work schedule I'm hoping to volunteer at the school one day a week or every other week this fall.  I enjoyed helping out last spring.  Hubby is also hoping to do some volunteer work.

Munchkin's class will be largely done online/with computers.  They won't have worksheets on paper, but online.  He'll access it in the class with a netbook and here at home for his assignments.  They'll still be doing projects and the regular subject matter, just less paper and clutter.

We won't know much about Little Miss's class until next week.  I hope she has some friends from kindergarten in her class and is placed with a teacher that will work well with her personality.  It makes the year so much smoother when the child and teacher click.