15 August 2011 | By: Unknown

Diversity Training

My command had its annual diversity training last week.  BUMED is contracted with Mauricio Velásquez, MBA and president and CEO of Diversity Training Group.  Mauricio is an excellent teacher and profoundly influential.

We discussed the intent vs. impact; first impressions and passing judgement; dimensions of diversity; behaviors, attitudes, & values; having a good balance of appropriate behaviors to improve relationships and problem solving; understanding and breaking down stereotypes; separating a person from the behavior; using I messages; understanding the impact of diversity - self-fulfilling prophecy; using communication to solve problems; using active listening and much, much more.

For part of the training we watched clips from A Class Divided.

The last video we watched was The Lunch Date.

All participants received a workbook to go along with the training.  Mauricio shared a lot of personal examples and how an individual's understanding of diversity or lack thereof has affected those around him.  Throughout the training he shared reactions from previous sessions to bring the point home that many are unaware of their own bias and stereotypes.  For the last film he explained that while teaching police chiefs the comment "lock the bum up" was made, and at the end the other person had simply "made an honest mistake".

I hope that everyone who has sat through this training has learned something and applies it.  I wish everyone could go through this, or part of it, or something similar to this training.  I think the world would be a much better place.