22 August 2011 | By: Unknown


Our lesson in Relief Society and Priesthood [Hubby taught the lesson for Elder's Quorum] this week was about Chastity. I think this topic needs more than 45 minutes. Our teacher made several good points. We followed the manual.  Our teacher also gave us a resource list for further reading.

"Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments," by Jeffrey R. Holland

"A Parent's Guide" lds.org
"For the Strength of Youth" lds.org

Mormon Channel on You Tube
Mormon Messages for Youth: I Choose to Be Pure
LDS Family Services Adoption DVD [I can't find the DVD online, here's the website relating to the topic]
LDS Family Services

"Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy," by Douglas E. Brinley, Stephen E. Lamb
"He Restoreth My Soul: Understanding and Breaking the Chemical and Spiritual Chains of Pornography through the Atonement of Jesus Christ," by Donald L. Hilton

Some personal suggestions-
before your kids start dating with an LDS perspective - "How to Be Chaste While Being Chased," by Curtis Jacobs
appreciating Heavenly Father's gift of sexuality and when/how to talk to your kids about it with a Gospel perspective - "And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage Through Sexual Fulfillment," by Laura M. Brotherson

It is vitally important that you have a conviction of the beautiful creation you are, that you are in fact a child of God.  Your body was created and given to you.  Hormones are just a part of that creation.  Teach your children to love and accept themselves.  If you provide these vital things in your home and family your children will be far less likely to seek affection elsewhere.  We are to learn self-control.  We are not merely beings that react to every whim and we must be aware and purposeful in our actions.  Foster oneness in your marriage.  Intimacy is more than just sex.  Sex is more than procreation.  If ever you or a friend or your child has their body violated by another, it is NOT the victim's fault.  Willfully seeking to loose innocence through movies, pictures, language, actions is far different than another forcing it on someone.  Love the victim and help them heal.  Chastity is more than waiting for marriage for sex.  It is more than dressing by someone's definition of modesty [burqa anyone?].  It is your attitude and actions.  It is respect.