26 August 2011 | By: Unknown

Breastfeeding - My Experience, Part 3

When our daughter was born she took to nursing like a champ.  The only problem was she suckled so strongly that I quickly developed cracked, bleeding nipples.  Some patience and Lansinoh cream and it cleared up.

When she got sick at three weeks of age and was hospitalized for four days, I stayed with her and nursed on demand.  The doctors were very supportive and encouraging of it.

I wanted to nurse 18 months to two years, at least 15 months like my eldest.

Other than one month of irregular growth and reflux after being sick, we had no issues.  No reflux.  No food sensitivities.  She didn't nurse every two hours like her brother, so at times I had low supply issues and had to take fenugreek.

One of the biggest changes was my outlook on breastfeeding in public.  With my eldest I was embarrassed.  He hated being covered and I already was uncomfortable with the looks and muttered comments from strangers assuming I was a high school drop-out teen parent - even though I wasn't in any manner.  I was only comfortable nursing in my home, and away from people.

With my second child, I realized it was normal to feed my baby and that trying to cover her was more trouble than it was worth.  Gaining self confidence I was able to nurse her discretely and get errands done and enjoy church.   I started to despise the Mother's room at church because it felt like we were hidden away and forced to be there. Like we were doing something dirty and wrong.

After deciding to join the military I gently lead my daughter to start weaning.  I didn't offer and she weaned at 19.75 months.  The last time she nursed was on Thanksgiving.

Click here for Part 1, Part 2, Part 4