22 July 2011 | By: Unknown

Pumpkin's Hair Cut

In late June we finally gave Pumpkin another haircut.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take before pictures.  I meant to, and I even had the camera out, but when the time came I just started cutting.  Here are two pictures from May to illustrate how long his hair was getting.  As you can see these are post eating food.  I think I need to take more with a clean face and less with a messy one.  He just smiles so big and I think he's adorable.

A few days before we cut it I was able to pull it in a low ponytail like this or this.  Of coarse some of the front and side hair wouldn't fit, but I thought it was neat because it reminded me of how boys [and men] used to wear their hair long during the pioneer and revolutionary war times.

Here are the after pictures.  As you can see Pumpkin is quite interested in the camera.