02 April 2011 | By: Unknown

Happy Birthday, Little Miss!

My birthday girl lost her first tooth today.  Her permanent one grew in behind in the primary one, so it took longer to finish loosening up to come out.

We had homemade chicken nuggets with stonies [fried bread], green been, and lemonade for dinner and dessert was her rainbow cake.

 She liked her presents and is excited to see her extended family for Spring Break.
 Happy Birthday, Little Miss!

P.S. inspiration for the cake found here and here.  Be sure to add extra sugar to the fruit before adding it to the cake batter.  I didn't do this, as it was not in the recipe.  The flavors are rather bold and the citrus layers had a bitter aftertaste from the zest/rind.  I think 1/4 cup sugar for the citrus and 2 Tbs for the berries should be fine.  Everyone that could eat the ice cream said it helped the flavor.  At least my frosting was yummy and the berry flavors were fine without the extra sugar.