For our family we have traditions that focus more on our Savior and the reverence He deserves. We strive to diminish and avoid the commercialism. In my gut I feel the way many people treat Santa is akin to idol worship. I know not everyone does this. There are those who would say any make believe is the same. When addressing the issue of Santa, I prefer to look at history and the examples, real and imagined, for learning about the character. [The History Channel is a good start.]
A friend asked if the house should be clean for Santa to visit. This was my response:
"Please allow me to take a different spin on this.
We are celebrating CHRISTmas, yes? Would you expect the chapel to be messy? The temple to be trashed and disorderly? Why would we want our homes to be? After all, we are striving to create a "bit of heaven on earth." We want to honor our Lord and Savior; his birth, life, and the ultimate sacrifice He made for us.
I am far from perfect. I try to be more conscientious of my choices and Christ-like in my actions. I do this for my children, my family and myself. Sometimes I fail. Though our family does not follow the cultural norm of Santa, I hope everyone agrees that a clean home (for at least this day) is a great idea."
P.S. I'll work on adding more to this later.
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