Apologies for the lack of posting.
As usual, we've been busy with schedule changes and the like. I've started several posts, but never seem to finish.
Things I've thought about lately:
I go on deployment in about 4 months. I'll be gone a minimum of 7.
Should I change my blog to not reveal any names or highly identifiable information?
What exactly are we dealing with regarding our middle child, specifically behavior wise?
Hubby has started selling Pampered Chef; he just hit his 30 day mark.
Pumpkin turned 1. Only one friend came for his birthday dinner (no extended family either -- Munchkin had my family there, and Little Miss had Hubby's, Pumpkin got the short end of the stick) :(
My class is pretty intense. Its been a while since I felt stupid or slow. I'm not used to the feeling.
Munchkin has good days and bad. [well, everyone does.]
I spend WAY too much time reading things on the internet. I have to work on this one.
I actually have pictures to post, but they need to be loaded onto the computer first.
I can't believe how much stuff I have to put together for deployment.
I'm going to miss my family like crazy. I've gotten into a rut just thinking about it.
We did our wills.
Little Miss and I donated 10 inches of hair each to Locks of Love. She got a certificate for her donation.
I enjoy the motorcycle, but don't ride it much since I started class.
Hubby babysits once in a while to help out friends and earn a little mad money. (If he gets too successful - more than one family at a time - he'll have to get licensed through the state, then he'll have to raise his rate and it wouldn't really be helping out the other families.)
We try to have a movie night and game night once a week, usually on the weekends.
We plan our dinners a week at at time. We waste less food this way, and help keep variety in our diets.
Munchkin loves Seminar. His only gripe for school this year is his math teacher.
Little Miss loves Kindergarten. She asks for extra homework. She breezes through her weekly assignments and works on workbooks we've purchased for her.
I recently learned that I can't handle much dairy. I had issues during my last pregnancy, and had to avoid it afterward due to Pumpkin's sensitivities, and now we both avoid most of it. One thing I learned this week, M&Ms seem to be fine.
My weight has leveled out to 110-112lbs. I kept loosing weight, and finally stopped. Whew.
Hubby's birthday present was Halo: Reach. I started doing a few levels, but we only have one XBox Live account, so its limited. He enjoys the Forge level.
Now to get back to the grind . . .
January 2024
1 year ago
Sounds like a lot going on. Does Ben like selling and sharing his cooking love with others? I was once told that whem you give up something during breastfeeding when you try to go back to it your body rejects it...could be why you can't handle dairy so much now...just a thought. Stay safe.
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