19 January 2010 | By: Unknown

Our First Decade Together


Hubby & I graduate High School. I get my first apartment in June. We are introduced by his best friend, Jared, in July. Hubby works with Taco Bell, and I with Fazoli's, then the Hilton. Hubby 's daughter, Falconer, is born in September.


We get married in February. In March we receive the results from Hubby's paternity test and learn that Falconer is his; support and visitation is finalized in October. Hubby works with Taco Bell, then we try selling Cutco, then he works with Arby's and I with Walgreen's. We move to a town house, then are wrongfully evicted three months later. This causes great hardship in renting the next several years. After this we rent a bedroom from a friend for several months.


Our oldest, Munchkin, is born in July. This effectively ends my out of home work for a few years, not by my choice as we needed the income. Hubby begins part time college classes at Ivy Tech in September, student loans help us get by. We move into Hubby's sister's empty trailer in May.


I begin part time classes at Ivy Tech in September. We move to a friends house for March, then rent a room from a family in our ward for six months.Hubby 's sister and her husband are killed in an auto accident in May. One of my closest friends, from middle and high school, and her husband, are killed in a near identical accident in August. We then enter a land contract on a property in October.


Hubby works with SBM. I battle depression and anxiety from the accidents.


Our daughter, Little Miss (her middle name is for Hubby's sister and my friend) is born in April. Munchkin begins preschool with Three Wishes. Hubby obtains a high risk loan for the house in June, shortly after things begin to fall apart. I attempt selling Discovery Toys.


We move to Arizona and drop out of college in February. I work with InfoNXX a few months, Hubby  works for Ron's Produce, then Com-cast. Munchkin has preschool through the Pima County Parks and Recreation. I join the Navy in November. In the process of everything falling apart we loose our IN home, from here we've been rebuilding and paying off debt.


I leave for Recruit Training in March. Hubby works with Vilore. Hubby and the kids move in with his folks in August while we wait to get housing. Munchkin begins kindergarten at Reynolds.


Our family moves to California to join me in March. Hubby begins working with Sea World in April.  Munchkin finishes kindergarten at Loma Portal; we all really liked his teacher, Mrs. Beeman, at Reynolds and were sad to have him leave. I'm placed on security hold for a few months, due to my prior debts. Many have been paid off, and with payment agreements and A LOT of documentation my status is restored. Munchkin starts 1st grade in September.


Our youngest, Pumpkin is born in August. Little Miss begins Head Start and Munchkin starts 2nd grade in September.