Having a real Christmas tree is one of the main traditions for our family. When Hubby and I were dating/engaged we bought a tree for my apartment and Hubby had the bright idea of using one of my teddy bears to top the tree. The next year we were married and renting a room from friend. We again bought a tree and combined decorations. Neither of us had a tree topper, so I was sent to find one. That year seemed to be popular for Santa figures, so I got one that looked more like Old Man Winter than Santa and brought it home. I'd like to actually get a nice angel or star and retire the old man at some point.
Hubby draped our two garlands from the ledge in the dining room and room divider for the den/living room; the later also has our stockings (a tradition from both of our childhoods but more so Hubby's). Hanging from our front door is the wreath I made at the Relief Society Craft day when we lived in Fort Wayne and I was pregnant with Little Miss.
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